nothing ?


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  • "Many a man has missed the opportunity to say nothing, and lost much as a result"

    Séan, in 'An Cailín Cúin'

  • Nothing is very important - the best way for nothing to happen is in the bath.

  • In discussing nothing, people often conflate the concept of nothing with rest. Nothing is the complete absence of existence, whereas rest is a state of inactivity or stillness that still exists within a context.

    While nothing as an absolute state may be conceptually useful, in practical terms the universe is always filled with something, event in the emptiest of spaces. In quantum physics, what we consider to be empty space is never devoid of activity. Quantum fluctuations suggest that even in a vacuum, particles can spontaneously appear and disappear.

    Even thinking of the mere concept of nothing gives it some form of existence.

  • Nothing' is really important to me as I can't function and be at my best without pockets of peace throughout the day - just to stare at a wall for a few minutes, switch off or focus on breathing and stop racing thoughts that can overwhelm. This is such an important message as we come up to Christmas, we're built to hibernate not run about like mad things so hoping that someone gets some time to do nothing in the coming days.

  • Nothing exists in a vacuum

  • there is value in nothing. to do nothing. to not be pushed or pulled in different directions. to do nothing is a gift and a kindness to yourself.

  • 'To be calm becomes a kind of revolutionary act. To be happy with your own non upgraded existence. To be comfortable with our messy, human selves, would not be good for business.'

    ~ Matt Haig

  • Today I did nothing

  • Nothin' ain't worth nothin', but it's free

  • Nothing. Nothing to say?: Nothing.

  • Doing nothing is grand for taking a break. Either a short break, or a long break.

    Well done for encouraging it.

    But please remember that doing nothing all the time will leave you with nothing.

    Nothing to show for your time when you could have been bettering yourself.

    Nothing in your bank of memories, except for doing nothing, going nowhere.

    Nothing in your heart for not planning those romantic nights with your partner.

    Nothing isn't always a good thing!

    Sometimes it's best to at least do something!

    Can't wait until Something day comes around and we all start doing Something too.

  • my body enforces upon me its own need for nothingness

  • wow, something about this made me pause. when i think about this feeling it reminds me of being a child doing nothing, curled up in bed and the quietness of that moment in the dark. my dad had just tucked me in, snug as a bug in a rug, no doubt to enjoy his first moment of doing nothing all day. but i remember my imagination that in the same moment, somewhere in this big world, is a bustling airport full of people. the rawness of that excitement is still in my chest as i sit here doing nothing. maybe this moment is what will remind of us of all that is worth while DOING in the world. im sitting in a tall building overlooking the dusk hitting our wee city and wonder maybe the affection in calling it our 'wee' city is that we feel like we are separate to that craziness globally. we have a moment of nothing here.

  • .

  • “Nothing, to my way of thinking, is a better proof of a well ordered mind than a man’s ability to stop just where he is and pass some time in his own company.” – Seneca

  • "Nothing" - a point of refusal? or a place of becoming? or "the beginning of every movement towards something" Ernst Bloch.

  • I am amused by the Nothing at Stormont event in December.
    I thought that was the default setting there...

  • Writing about nothing, made me write about something.

  • Playschool

    is a lifelong lesson
    and you shouldn’t stop learning

    but what do you write
    when life stops teaching
    and repeats the syllabus

    when you’ve already
    been told the secret of addition
    and yet nothing adds up

    and the square root of the years
    is routine routine
    perhaps then

    it’s time to stop the lessons
    and learn instead how to play
    there’s an escape tunnel

    at the bottom of the sandpit
    just ignore the bell
    and keep digging

  • I used to be hyper productive, then I got sick. I kicked back, refused to accept my new reality until I realised that this chronic illness is a message from my body to the world. It says “I will show you how to do nothing so you can see more clearly what is real and true” I’m still learning.

  • Peaceful

  • I genuinely like doing things, but sometimes I get all dressed up and ready to do something and then find myself sitting on a chair staring at the wall. Time passes and dusk comes on, I like that part of the day. I try and tell myself that it’s ok. Sometimes I listen but sometimes I can be a dick.

  • Doing nothing fills the void

  • Nothing is the comma between head thoughts and doing. Perhaps doing nothing, thinking nothing, and just nothing is the precursor to everything which comes next?

  • When doing nothing, you notice everything

  • I sit
    My skin cells become dust motes
    They dance in the weak sunlight
    I exist
    For now

  • Nothing comes from nothing
    Nothing ever could
    So somewhere in my youth or childhood
    I must have done something good

  • Friday is my day off, after a week of sitting in crappy traffic for 2 hours a day and clock watching to get home and start it all again the next morning. But my day off is always full of stuff I haven't done all week. Sort shit out. Do parent things. Get sorted for the stuff that is planned at the weekend. Visit my elderly parent who is in a care home. Unfuck the house. Today is Friday, and like so many other Fridays, I've woken up with a migraine. Today I'm going to do nothing and probably feel shitty about not doing all the things I've just listed. I struggle with unlinking my self-worth to my productivity.. but I'm a woman, a mum, and an arts worker. That shit is difficult.

  • Not doing, just sitting watching 2 cats not doing. Wondering if I'd ever achieve their level of excellence at not doing.

  • Without nothing there wouldn’t be anything. That “nothing” creates from its vacuum. I like doing nothing. I have my own nothing agenda and it helps me to mediate and navigate this existence. Nothing is good. Embrace it. It’ll hug you back.

  • I cant remember the last time I did nothing. That says something and perhaps explains the malaise that currently surrounds everything. My head knows that nothing is important but unfortunately the chatter in the head links nothing with laziness and unworthiness. How do we tackle that?

  • I can’t clear my mind and think of nothing.

  • Nothing is so important in my life. Slots of nothing in my diary make me immensely happy.

  • There's a Diversity Carnival tomorrow. My wife has volunteered to help but badly needs a day off.
    I care a lot about diversity but I'm going to do nothing instead while she works herself into a breakdown trying to 'make a difference'.

  • ChatGPT prompt: tell me a story about nothing

    Once upon a time, in a realm that existed nowhere, there was a kingdom ruled by Queen Silence and King Void. This was not an ordinary kingdom, for it was made entirely of nothing. The skies were empty, not filled with clouds, stars, or even the sun. The ground wasn't ground at all; it was simply a vast, infinite expanse of absence.

    In this peculiar place, there was no noise because nothing stirred, and there was no color because nothing reflected light. Time didn’t tick forward, nor did it rewind, for in the kingdom of nothing, time had no purpose. Yet, amidst this seemingly endless nothingness, there was a single presence. Its name was Echo.

    Echo wasn't a person, nor was it a thing. It was the faint memory of a sound that never existed. Every so often, when everything was perfectly still and not a breeze blew, Echo would wander through the void, tracing lines that weren’t there, following paths that had never been made.

    One day—or was it a night? It was impossible to tell in the kingdom of nothing—Echo felt something different. It wasn't quite a sound, but rather the idea of one. It was faint, like the shadow of a whisper that could have been. Curious, Echo drifted towards the sensation. It grew stronger the closer it came, not louder but... more certain.

    And then, in the middle of nowhere, Echo found a tiny speck of something. It was the smallest flicker, so small that it barely existed. But in the kingdom of nothing, even the faintest speck was monumental. Echo paused. It didn't know what to do with this something.

    As Echo hovered around it, the speck began to change. It stretched and twisted, forming the shape of a question: "What are you?"

    Echo had never encountered such a thing before—a question. It didn't know how to answer because it was, after all, just an echo of nothing. But the speck persisted, shimmering with the possibility of more.

    "Who am I?" the question changed, almost as if asking itself. And with that, the speck began to grow. It expanded into a dot, then into a line, then into a shape. Soon, the shape took the form of a tiny island, floating in the middle of the vast nothingness.

    The island was small, but it was real. It had a tree that swayed in a breeze that hadn’t yet arrived, and a pond that shimmered with light from no sun at all. Echo hovered over the island, fascinated.

    "Are you something?" Echo finally asked, though it had never spoken before.

    "I don’t know yet," the island replied. "But I could be."

    From that moment, the kingdom of nothing was no longer quite nothing. The tiny island grew a little more each time someone—or something—wondered about it. With each question, more details appeared. Echo stayed close, circling the island, bringing with it the faint remnants of possibilities.

    As the island grew, Queen Silence and King Void watched from the distant edges of their invisible thrones. They were not worried, for they understood that even in nothing, the seed of something could bloom if given a little attention. They knew the kingdom would always be vast, but perhaps now, it would not be lonely.

    And so, Echo continued to drift around the island as it grew into a world of its own. A world born from nothing but filled with the potential of everything.

  • Nothing to say?: I have just admitted to my boss that the reason I bottle issues up, and my colleague does the same, is because we see this acknowledgment of not being able to manage everything as failing at our jobs (which we are not) delivering against quite frankly insane work levels and expectations. We also feel my not being able to maintain insane outputs that we are letting everyone down. This is why I find it hard to do unsanctioned nothing, i.e. not a training day/workshop/seminar, (I don't think these events are 'nothing' but they get you out of your head space).
    Without externally facilitated activity, you can always squeeze in one more meeting, get that one wee job completed. When in actual fact, we are not a blue light service, that one we job can wait until tomorrow, and it is completely acceptable to spend an afternoon reading a book and be inspired.
    Too often always looking down and reacting to the next issue prevents the creativity and innovation that are so essential to being better. Better for our communities, our colleagues and better to ourselves.
    So I need to let myself read that book, listen to that podcast with 100% focus, and just be.
    We are enough.

  • ‘Deeply humbled’ and ‘beyond excited’ are phrases that mean nothing to me anymore.

  • "As a refuge from the speed of modern life, nothing could compete with the beach. Time stopped at the edge of the sand. The beach had become the world's favourite place for doing nothing. It was a non-place, and nothing was supposed to happen there. Suspended between past and future, it is a place for dreaming as opposed to doing."

    From The Human Shore, by John R. Gillis

  • 'I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you any different.'    
    - Kurt Vonnegut

  • Nada, zip, squat, zilch...

  • I was having problems with my laptop so I went up to my work's IT department. They took my laptop to check some things and I when I was sitting there waiting, my mind went completely quiet. This does not happen often! Even if it's just like talking shite in my head or autopilot thoughts. Not sure if it was because they had physically taken it away from me and there wasn't really anyone/thing else around, it felt like it was a bit like a reprieve? Just a couple of minutes but it was really really nice. Maybe staff wellbeing and IT could collaborate :)

  • A promise to myself: when someone asks me "How are you?" I'm not going to say "Oh you know ...busy"

  • I don't like doing nothing

  • I really want to do nothing useful at all today. But I can't.

  • nothing can change without something.

  • the electric has gone out so the microwave won't work. Lunch is cold soup or nothing?

  • Ive been staring at the wall for the last 20 mins