On monday 4th November we celebrated our first ever nothing day
a Belfast-wide celebration of the power and possibilities of pause
What is Nothing Day?
Nothing Day is an invitation to rest, and think and dream. Free from any agenda.
The way we live is unsustainable, for our own health and that of the planet. In that context, doing nothing is a radical act of protest, against busyness and burn out, against endless growth and terminal consumption. It's a call for the urgent necessity of doing less.
Time spent doing nothing allows us to see and understand things differently. It enables us to reconnect with each other and the world around us. It is only in rest and reflection that wisdom, creativity and innovation can be found. If we don't make room for nothing, nothing good will happen.
Belfast's first ever Nothing Day happened on 4th Nov 2024.
It could happen again.
If we really want things to change, we need to stop doing what we're doing.
What's the best that could happen?
How do I get involved?
Nothing Day is for everyone. It's for individuals, families, organisations and businesses. You can do a whole day of nothing, or just an hour. You can spend time doing nothing alone, or with other people. How you do nothing is up to you.
Whether you're at work or at home, make a bit of space in your schedule. If you're a boss, why not encourage your workers to take part? They'll thank you for it. And you might be surprised by what happens as a result.
Doing nothing might mean …
… leaving the office for lunch, rather than eating at your desk (or not at all)
… having a nap in the middle of the day
… turning off your phone and shutting down your computer - for 15 minutes ...30 minutes hour ...longer?
… getting comfortable, closing your eyes and listening to a favourite album
… going for a dander in nature
… doodling
... watching paint dry
But if the very idea of Nothing makes you uncomfortable, or you’re just really confused about what we’re on about, take just 15 minutes out of your day to listen to this. We promise - it’ll be worth it.
Let us know what you’ll be (not) doing on nothing day
Or don’t. Nothing is happening anyway.